Handbag Cleaning and Storage
The first step to maintain your bag is to know the material of your clutch or purse.
Genuine Leather
One should avoid treating this type of handbags with water and scratches on the surface should also be avoided as it exposes the material to further damage.
Suede Leather
Suede leather is very sensitive to water and dampness and thus water should not be used to clean this type of handbags.
Cloth Material
There are many types of materials used to make this type of handbags. Recent materials include canvas, denim, crepe, silk, lace, flax and cotton. These types of handbags should not be washed directly in water.
Nylon Series
The specially treated nylon repels water and is more durable than the other materials since it is light and tough.
The rare precious leather bags should be carefully handled as they are rare to find.
How to clean your bags:
Precaution should be taken to use any detergent to clean the handbags. The detergent has to be tried out on some inconspicuous place of the bag to prove that the detergent won't damage the handbag. The following should be observed when cleaning the handbags.
1. Use a cleaning brush or cotton cloth depending on the texture of the leather to wipe off accumulated dust.
2. Leather handbags should be cleaned using a specialized leather detergent with a soft cloth to avoid scratching the material. The detergent is spread evenly on the bag and the bag is wiped clean.
3. Suede bags can be cleaned using the ordinary erasers for pen and pencil. To clean off the dust, a soft bristle brush can be employed. Accumulated debris should be brushed off lightly by applying an appropriate force that may not damage the suede.
4. Nylon or cloth bags should be cleaned using a damp cloth by dabbing gently at the surface. To clean part of the handbags (except handbags made from silk and satin), you may use a toothbrush combined with mild soap.
5. The washed bags should be dried in a shady place with good ventilation. This is because handbags are highly sensitive to extreme temperatures, which make the bags to fade. Leather is particularly vulnerable since overexposure to sunlight makes the leather brittle and stiff.
6. Decoration covered handbags should be swiped clean separately with a dry cloth after washing.
More Tips of Getting Stains Out of Your Leather Handbag
Different substances can stain the leather handbag and result in permanent damage. This gives advice on how to do away with the stain before it is set permanently. The stain should be treated immediately to obtain the best result. In case the stain does not come out, the handbag should be taken to a leather cleaning professional for:
1. In case of water stains, the bag should be left to dry naturally but away from artificial heat sources. The bag may also be conditioned with a leather conditioner if necessary.
2. For gum, one should put a little ice cubes in a plastic material and use this to rub the gum. The logic is to make the gum hard so that it can't then be removed with ease. If the gum does not come out after this, the gum should be heated using a hairdryer on low setting and rubbed off by a cloth.
3. Salt stains are removed by preparing a solution of vinegar and water (vinegar to water ratio: 3:1)and rubbing the solution on the stain with a cloth.
4. Ink stains are hard to remove and are done away by spraying the ink stain with a small hair spray and wiping it off with a cloth.
5. For the case of discoloration, one should purchase a leather spray which matches with the color of the handbag.
How to store your bags:
1. Hanging on a hook or hanger is not advisable since it can distort the shape of the bag. The handbag should instead be stored in an open basket. The basket should have a clean fabric on the bottom of it.
2. When the bag is not in use, a tissue paper should be stuffed into it so as to maintain its shape and prevent influx of dust.
3. The basket should have a few very small fiber cloths that make the normal maintenance smooth and brighten up the components on the purse without damaging it while wiping off the outside dust.
4. The basket should be kept off the floor to avoid pets like dogs and cats from sleeping in them.
5. They should be kept out of direct sunlight, which may de-shape the bags. Thus, they should be kept in one's closet to make it easy for one to reach them and away from any danger.
6. Any purses that are not often used should be kept in your luggage, which ensures that they are in clean condition and thus no need for dusting them off. To save space, they should be kept in an empty luggage.
Handbags FAQs
How can one enhance the durability of the handbags?
1. Bags of different colors should not be put together to prevent the colors from rubbing off into one another.
2. The bags should be kept dry to prevent them from becoming distorted from dampness.
3. You should not put patent leather bags into plastic or polyester bags since the material may become adhered to the bags.
4. Too many things should not be loaded into the bag as this may alter the shape of the bag or even crack it.
How to take extra-care of the handbag?
One should never leave the handbag unattended irrespective of where one is. This is to safeguard any of your purses from being stolen and eliminate the inconveniences of having to borrow one from a friend. Since it is quite uneasy to dance and socialize with a big purse, one should consider using a wristlet when going out to a bar. Since one cannot trust anybody, one should keep her purse with herself all the time even if one is in a close friend's party. A beautiful designer purse is even much more at risk since people think it has money or others.
Which types of handbags can be used instead of the leather handbags?
Some people cannot afford the leather bags while some hate it because of their hatred against some animals.One should not be worried of this since there are bags made from faux leather, which is a synthetic leather made from plastic. The faux leather has the advantage of being lighter and can be carried around easily. Faux leather is a great alternative to the real genuine leather.
Políticas Generales de Devolución
1. Contacte con el Servicio al Cliente JJsHouse.com para iniciar el proceso de devolución dentro de 14 días después de recibir sus artículos.
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Políticas específicas para nuestros vestidos
Cancelaciones de pedidos
Entendemos que es algo muy importante ordenar un vestido para una ocasión especial, y nuestra política de cancelación se creó teniendo esto en cuenta. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que los vestidos se hacen a medida, y una vez que el proceso de creación ha comenzado, los materiales no pueden ser reutilizados. La buena noticia es que después de realizar su pedido, todavía hay tiempo para que usted pueda cambiar de opinión. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestra política de cancelación abajo.
Política de cancelaciones
- Los pedidos pendientes de pago se cancelará automáticamente después de 1 días.
- Los pedidos cancelados dentro de las 24 horas de la confirmación del pago será elegible para un reembolso completo.
- Los pedidos cancelados 24 a 72 horas después de la confirmación del pago serán elegibles para un reembolso parcial que consiste en los gastos de envío completos y el 80% del precio de compra del producto.
- Los pedidos cancelados 72 a 120 horas después de la confirmación del pago serán elegibles para un reembolso parcial que consiste en los gastos de envío completos y el 50% del precio de compra del producto.
- Los pedidos cancelados más de 120 horas después de la confirmación del pago serán elegibles para un reembolso parcial que consiste en el costo del envío completo.
- Una vez que su pedido haya sido enviado, que ya no puede ser cancelado.
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Su satisfacción es de suma importancia para el equipo de JJsHouse.com . A la llegada de su paquete, se recomienda que compruebe y se asegúre de que el vestido se ha realizado de acuerdo con las especificaciones de su orden. Por favor, pruébese su vestido tan pronto como sea posible, sin alterar, quitar las etiquetas, o lavar la ropa.
Si va a devolver o intercambiar vestidos o accesorios, por favor asegúrese de que estén en su estado original - sin usar, sin lavar, sin alterar las etiquetas, en buen estado, limpio, libre de pelusa y pelo y con las etiquetas intactas y unidas.Usted será responsable de todos los gastos de envío.
Productos defectuosos, Dañados o Erróneos
Está calificado para recibir un reembolso del precio total de compra más gastos de envío para los artículos defectuosos, dañados o erróneos. Si usted cree que sus artículos fueron dañados durante el envío, primero debe obtener documentación de "prueba de daño" de su compañía de envíos, que debe ser incluido en el paquete devuelto.
Problemas de Tamaño o Armado
Como todos nuestros vestidos son cosidos a mano y personalizados, el vestido final puede variar en aproximadamente un 1 pulgada en cualquier dirección de las medidas especificadas. Para asegurarse de que su vestido aún le quedará a la perfección, nuestros sastres han creado todos nuestros vestidos con tela adicional en las costuras para permitir modificaciones extras.
Tamaño Desproporcionado
Si su talla de ropa difiere de las especificaciones de su pedido por más de una pulgada: Se le anima a buscar un sastre local para realizar ajustes. En este caso, se le reembolsará hasta el 40% del precio del producto en los costos de adaptación. Si elige esta opción, por favor, recuerde solicitar un recibo de su medida, como una copia del mismo debe ser proporcionada al solicitar el reembolso.
El vestido es del tamaño que usted pidió, pero no le ajusta
Por favor, entienda que los vestidos que no se ajustan correctamente, pero que fueron ordenados de acuerdo con las especificaciones que usted pidió no pueden ser devueltos o cambiados.Usted puede ir a un sastre local o una costurera profesional para obtener un vestido nuevo del tamaño adecuado, a su propio costo.
Tenga en cuenta que si sus especificaciones difieren demasiado del tamaño final, cambiar el tamaño no puede ser posible.
El color no coincide con el ordenado
La configuración de la pantalla del ordenador puede alterar el color de las imágenes que se muestran en JJsHouse.com . Una alteración ligera del color de su vestido y el color que aparece en la pantalla no puede significar que el vestido está defectuoso o mal enviado. Sin embargo, si está seguro de que usted haya recibido el producto con un color incorrecto, por favor comuníquese con el Servicio al Cliente para ver si una devolución o reembolso es posible.
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