${ sizechart.sizeNl } | Talla | ${ property } |
${ getSizeDisplayText(size_en) } |
${ sizechartData.sizeNl } | Talla | ${ getTheadLang(item) } (${unit}) |
${ getSizeDisplayText(kvalue) } |
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Beautiful Dresses for a Wonderful Day
My own, and the bridesmaid's dresses, the Groom's and my Son's Tie and Hanky were all from JJ's House. The service provided was excellent, and I used the "Try at Home" service before choosing. I was so pleased with my dress as soon as I tried it on. The colour - Stormy brought out the colour of my eyes and I felt wonderful. I also bought the shoes from JJ's House and was able to match the rhinestone with that on the dress. I would 100% recommend using this site to make the whole experience of planning that more wonderful!